Phlebotomy Certification

Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Phlebotomy Technician in NJ

Are you thinking of becoming a phlebotomy technician in NJ? A phlebotomist is a healthcare professional who draws and prepares blood for medical testing, donations, or transfusions. They receive training to collect blood via venipuncture, finger pricks, or pricks to the heel (for infants). You can typically find them in clinics, hospitals, outpatient care facilities, blood donation centers, and diagnostic laboratories.

When it comes to becoming a phlebotomy technician, one of the most common questions we get is if you need to be nationally certified. This article details the requirements of becoming a phlebotomy technician in New Jersey, how much you can expect to earn, and whether a national phlebotomy certification is important.

What Are the Phlebotomy Requirements For New Jersey?

You don’t need to be certified to work as a phlebotomy technician in NJ. However, there are numerous benefits of receiving a certificate. We will discuss this in a later section. In the meanwhile, let’s review some of the mandatory requirements you need to meet to work as a phlebotomist in the state:

  • Age: You need to be at least 18 years old to qualify for a phlebotomy training course.
  • Education: The state of New Jersey requires prospective phlebotomists to hold a high school diploma or a GED to qualify for a training course. If you are not 18 yet but have these qualifications, you can enroll in a course. However, you will have to wait until you meet the age requirements before you can start finding work in the field.
  • Training: There are various phlebotomy schools that offer diplomas and degrees in this field. You can also avail of an externship in a clinic, research laboratory, or hospital to gain some hands-on experience. Most diploma programs last 4 to 6 weeks.

What Is the Pay rate for Phlebotomy technicians in NJ?

One estimate suggests that the average salary of a phlebotomy technician in New Jersey is approximately $37,000 a year. You can usually earn $17.38 per hour at this job. It’s important to note that your pay rate will also depend on your experience and your place of employment.

Why Is National Certification Important for Phlebotomists?

As mentioned at the onset, it is not necessary for a phlebotomist to obtain national certification in New Jersey. However, getting a phlebotomy certification online can do wonders for your career as a phlebotomy technician in NJ. It can enhance your employability and make it easier for you to get a job. This is because it demonstrates your dedication to your profession.

Moreover, a certified phlebotomy technician has a more enhanced skill set and can perform their duties and responsibilities in a better way. Your employer will have the confidence that you possess the qualifications and experience required to do your job effectively and responsibly. You can qualify for higher wages and improve your chances of working at a senior position.

Become Nationally Certified as a Phlebotomy Technician with NAPTP

The NAPTP (National Association of Phlebotomy Technician Professionals) is the longest-standing authority enabling phlebotomy technicians to become nationally certified in New Jersey and beyond. You can get your phlebotomy certification online and join our network of healthcare partners. What’s more, NAPTP also helps you carve out a lucrative career in phlebotomy and quickly move up the ladder to get higher-paying jobs to achieve professional growth. Our phlebotomists work in prestigious healthcare institutions all across the United States.  Our certification is recognized by ICE, NCCT, AMCA, and NHA, allowing you to work at some of the leading healthcare organizations in the United States.


Get in touch with NAPTP today and find out how you can learn phlebotomy and get certified as a phlebotomy technician in NJ.